Keller Williams North Shore West
DeWanna Adesuyi-Dada at Keller Williams RealtyでのREALTOR®


I’m excited to be a REALTOR with the Keller Williams North Shore West Family. I am fo­cused on work­ing with buy­ers, sell­ers, and investors in the Lake, McHenry, or Cook County area, but if you ever have ques­tions about real es­tate out­side of these ar­eas or Illinois don't hes­i­tate to give me a call as I can use my re­sour­ce­s to as­sist you with any lo­cation. I can assist you or any­one you know with any of the ser­vices: Buy­ing, Sell­ing, In­vest­ing, New Construction, Va­cant Land, Con­dos, Multi-Unit, Rent­ing, Re­lo­ca­tion, Short Sale, or Fore­clo­sure. It is so im­por­tant for you to know I take the op­por­tu­nity to work with you or any­one you re­fer to me very se­ri­ously, and given the op­por­tu­nity, I can guar­an­tee I'll de­liver re­sults. Please never hes­i­tate to call. I'm never too busy to just catch up or an­swer any ques­tions you may have about real es­tate.

Let me be your Real Estate Advisor!!

言語 English
マーケットセンター Keller Williams Realty
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